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May Blog - My journey to become a Medium

Updated: May 13

I think everyone has the ability to communicate with loved ones and pets in spirit. Some people are born with the ability to hear and see spirit, and I wish I was one of them!  But I’ve worked hard over the last 15 years to study, practice and develop my mediumship abilities to a standard where I now feel comfortable to charge clients for a reading.

It’s not an easy journey to become a medium.  I think the reason is because it puts you on your spiritual path, and you need to deal with a lot of your own ‘stuff’ including your negative emotions and thought patterns, traumas and belief systems.  It’s true that mediumship often involves a deep process of self-discovery and inner work.

You see, in order to communicate with spirit we need to raise our vibration and in order to do that we need to let go of any ‘stuff’ that’s weighing us down or holding us back.  Much like a hot air balloon needs to, in order to fly!

I remember being able to see auras and colourful energies around people and places when I was a young child.  The world looked like we were swimming in rainbow soup!  I could feel peoples energies and I knew who I could trust and who to shy away from.

Then as I got older, I stopped focusing on the energies and I became more interested in the physical world.  I soon lost touch with my spiritual abilities and they laid dormant until many years later when they were reactivated.

I was 30 years old and I was sitting at my mums bedside as she took her last breath after battling cancer.  I felt a shift in the air, a whoosh of energy as her spirit left her body, and in that moment it was like a key that unlocked something inside of me.

That moment put me back on my spiritual path and I had a thirst to learn more about healthy living and healing and life and death.  I wanted to know why some people heal and others don’t, so I started going to workshops to learn different types of energetic healing techniques.  I went on to study nutrition and meditation and anything spiritual that took my interest.  I read loads of new age and spiritual books.  But none of them really captured my interest quite like mediumship.

I started out like many other mediums, by doing a weekend workshop.  I could see some symbols in my minds eye and I got a few pieces of intuitive information correct, and I was hooked!  I found a good teacher and I began sitting in a home practice circle each week for the next few years to practice and develop my connection with spirit further.

It can be a frustratingly slow process to develop your abilities.  The path to mediumship is often not a straight one either!  I would dip in and out of it over the years, depending on what was going on in my life.  But I always came back to it and picked up where I had left off and even tried different teachers.

I studied at The Arthur Findlay College in the UK which is the worlds best college for mediumship development.  But the real development happened in the practice groups with other developing mediums and doing readings for work colleagues and friends.  As with anything in life that you want to become good at, you need to practice, practice, practice!

I was very fortunate to have a wonderful teacher who supported me to do readings in front of an audience which is known as Platform Mediumship.  She encouraged me to do readings at some of the Spiritual Churches around Sydney which is a wonderful training ground for any budding medium, as the audience are used to seeing a medium work and they are usually open and keen to receive a message from a loved one in spirit.

After about 13 years of development, I felt like my readings were at a level where I could start charging for them. And I think it’s appropriate for anyone who has studied for many years and spent thousands of dollars on their training to charge for their service.  

And so my medium business began!  I was working full time all through my medium training and spiritual journey, but now I feel blessed to be able to work as a medium.  It fills my heart with joy when I get the opportunity to be of service and connect my clients with their loved ones and furry friends in spirit.

Whenever another medium has brought through my mum or other family in spirit, it's brought me great comfort, healing and joy. It lifts my soul when I can do the same for others through my readings.  And the journey continues, as you never really stop learning as a medium.

I highly recommend:

Val Hood - medium teacher

Arthur Findlay College -

If you are looking to connect with your loved ones in spirit reach out to me at



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