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Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect during a Medium Reading?

The reading will flow like a 3 way conversation between you, the medium (Tracie) and your loved one in spirit. 


You can expect to receive information in the form of evidence that Tracie will describe so you know which of your loved ones is communicating.  Tracie will describe their personality, what they looked like, how they passed, their relationship to you and specific information that confirms who they are.  


There is usually more than one person in spirit who comes through during a reading and often multiple people come through, especially if you know a lot of people who have passed.  Beloved pets will often pop in to say hello as well.


You can also expect to receive a message from each of your loved ones which is relevant for your life today. 

Why have a Medium Reading, what are the benefits?

The loss and grief you feel after losing a loved one is something that will always be with you.  Even many years after losing someone close to you, you could be reminded of them with a song or a scent or someone who looks similar which brings up feelings of sadness that they aren’t around anymore.


A Medium Reading is a great way to reconnect with your loved ones and continue the conversation or pick up where you left off.  The evidence and messages that come through are often profound and help you to realise that your loved ones are actually still around you and they know what is going on in your life.  


Most of all a Medium Reading can bring a sense of peace in knowing they are ok and also comfort in knowing your loved ones are still around you.

How do I prepare for a reading?

  • Come without too many expectations and have an open mind for who may come through.

  • Try not to talk too much or give too much information away during the reading.  

  • Be in a calm and quiet environment without distractions so you can focus on the information coming through.

  • Have some tissues handy just incase, and some water.

  • You can record the session with your phone or use pen and paper to make notes.

Is it scary having a Medium Reading?

It’s natural and normal to feel a bit nervous before a reading, especially if it’s your first time.   It also shows that you care!   There’s nothing to fear, in fact it’s quite the opposite - it’s all about LOVE not fear.  


The love and fond memories that are shared in a reading are often heartwarming and uplifting, so it’s not scary at all.

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